Nordicum - Real Estate Annual Finland 2018 | Page 17
Finland turned 100 years on 6 December 2017. Already during
the months leading to the main event, the Finns were busy –
perhaps uncharacteristically so – celebrating their native land.
arning their freedom from Russia,
independence was a dream long cher-
ished by these Northern people. In the
wake of the Russian Revolution, the Soviet
leader Lenin had bigger concerns and gave
away the western vassal almost as an after-
thought. However, it was clear during the
Winter War (1939–1940) and the Continua-
tion War (1941–1944) that the mighty neigh-
bor wanted Finns back into the fold.
Finland survived her trial by fire. Nev-
ertheless, the rebuilding years after the war
were filled with toil and sacrifice and the
political situation remained shaky for dec-
ades to come. Eventually, this dirt-poor
Nordic country would take its place among
the wealthiest nations in the world.
And the secret behind this historical
climb? In things great and small, Finns have
worked best when they work together for a
common goal. Therefore, the theme of Fin-
land’s centenary celebration year was easy
to pick: ‘Together’.
Nordicum 17