Southwest Sparkle
Industry is launching a big-time comeback on the west coast
Photo : Meyer Turku Oy
There ’ s something really interesting cooking in Southwest Finland . While just a couple of years ago , the Regions ’ s top industries – such as marine and automotive sectors – where struggling , now it seems that the entire Region is mounting one impressive comeback .
W hat ’ s more , the leading cities in the
Region are pursuing new types of opportunities presented by collaboration . The coastal towns of Turku , Uusikaupunki , Rauma and Pori signed an agreement in 2010 on the framework of regional cooperation , giving birth to LOURA – Intercity Collaboration of Southwest Coast of Finland . In 2017 , LOURA intends to intensify its ‘ Invest In ’ activities , thanks to improved resources .
A great example of local prowess is the Turku shipyard which now has recordbreaking ten ships in its order book : there is work at the shipyard until 2024 and need for new ship builders , both metal workers and designers , to come in and help build the new vessels . Under the ownership of the German Meyer family , the Turku shipyard is on a roll that is unprecedented in the history of Finnish ship-building .
The latest good news hit in October as Royal Caribbean Cruises and Meyer Turku shipyard signed a memorandum of agreement for two next-gen , LNG-powered cruise ships , to be delivered in 2022 and 2024 .
Marine Country
Tapani Mylly , Communication Manager for Meyer Turku , says that the “ regional factor ” has been significant in turning the tides . “ We naturally have suppliers all over Finland , but Southwest Region is clearly the focus area for marine ,” he says .
“ Also municipalities , cities and educational institutions have recognised the importance of the local marine industry and continue to promote it ,” Mylly says , adding that Meyer Turku has strong ties with e . g . the City of Turku and the Turku University of Applied Sciences .
“ In the beginning of 2017 , we will be hosting Shipyard Day at the campus of Turku University of Applied Sciences and showcase our operations to the students ,” he offers one example .
New Direction for Rauma
Another strong shipyard town is Rauma , with centuries-spanning tradition of building ships . After conquering their challenges , the local marine sector got back in the game
Photo : Rauma Marine Constructions Oy under the name of Rauma Marine Constructions ( RMC ) which was formed in 2014 .
Rooted on the positive outlook for small and medium sized vessels , RMC continues the strong shipbuilding legacy in Rauma with a new project-oriented and partner network approach . Presently , the Rauma shipyard is working on a 158-metre long passenger-car vessel for the Danish ferry operator Mols-Linien . The order ’ s market value is around 68 million euros , making it the most important ship order for RMC since its founding .
CEO Heikki Pöntynen comments that the contract guarantees full employment to RMC for two years and gives the company the possibility to improve the shipbuilding industry in Rauma in the long run .
“ We are making good progress with planning , and steel-cutting will start in March 2017 ,” says Pöntynen . The vessel will be delivered in June 2018 .
Boosting the Ecosystem
Pöntynen observes that RMC has benefitted greatly from the regional “ network approach ” – and will continue to do so in the future .
“ Generally speaking , there is a probusiness mindset and good cooperation between , for instance , the City of Rauma , the Chamber of Commerce and the local companies . The ecosystem formed by the companies supports a network-based method of operating and gives the companies a good chance to specialise and develop their own operations ,” Pöntynen says .
Furthermore , Pöntynen is delighted to see the local schools taking an active role
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