Deck and Multipurpose Arena
improve accessibility of the city centre from all distances . The new Deck and Multipurpose Arena is an ambitious development project which is to be raised on top of existing railway tracks in the heart of the city . The 110,000 square metre entity will hold a multi-purpose arena with capacity for 13,500 people , office blocks topped by residential towers , a hotel and a casino . Construction is expected to start in the spring of 2017 .
According to Tenhunen , the deck construction will bring welcome cohesion into the city structure that is now being divided by tracks . In the process , a totally new city district will emerge .
“ We feel that the Travel and Service Centre will be the Ground Zero , of sorts , for this development . Hybrid construction is one of the key drivers here , since the City wants to achieve a well-balanced mix that will add diversity into the downtown area .”
Tram Plan Approved
Looking at the big development picture , Tenhunen talks about the City ’ s “ Five Star City Centre ” concept which calls for urban appeal , high quality , diversity , attraction and originality – and , from the looks of it , the City is about to add another star to the roster . On 7 November 2016 , the City Council decided to build a tramline in Tampere . The first phase of the tramway infrastructure ( featuring 15 kilometres of tracks ) is now approved , with work to start in 2017 . It is estimated that tram traffic from univercity , business campus and superb Hervanta to the city centre and from the city centre to the central university hospital TAYS will start in 2021 .
The total budget for the first section of the tramline is € 238.8 million , with the State supporting the first construction phase with € 71 million . The target cost of the first part is a tender binding the parties of the
Photo : City of Tampere / Studio Daniel Libeskind 2010 and 2011 Photo : City of Tampere / COBE Aps ja Lunden Architecture Oy 2014
construction alliance . The Tramway alliance is composed of the City of Tampere , VR Track , YIT Construction Services and Pöyry Finland .
Platform for Greatness
Tero Tenhunen believes that introducing a new form of public transportation into the community will provide a great testing ground for smart mobility solutions , as well as smart building and smart infrastructure solutions .
“ It is important that we rethink public transportation , since the city is growing for years and decades to come ,” he says . Indeed , Tampere is clearly on a winning streak when it comes to attracting people , companies and investments – and new decisions are made to build on that momentum .
Businesses – both big and small – have flocked to the Region , drawn by Tampere ’ s great location , traffic connections and versatile commercial services . Furthermore , the local universities make sure that there is sufficient brain power and international networks for the companies establishing operations here .
“ Tampere is ready to help companies take their operations into the next level ,” Tenhunen adds . l
Tampere Travel and Service Centre Nordicum