Nordicum - Real Estate Annual Finland 2015 | Page 46
Kalasatama Centre,
REDI, will feature
towers that reach
100 metres.
was arranged in autumn 2014 as one way
to make sure that Vallila keeps moving in
the right direction.
It is also estimated that the significance
of Vallila will increase in the coming years,
as a mass transport hub will be built in connection to the Kalasatama metro station. And
that’s not the only thing that is expected to
change as Kalasatama begins to take shape
over coming years: the new seaside neighborhood has the power to impact a variety
Kalasatama will be a smart city district.
Hannu Asikainen, Kalasatama Project
44 Nordicum
of issues, and Vallila is sure to benefit from
such a high-profile neighbour.
Kalasatama – Seaside Splendour
But what is it exactly that makes Kalasatama
so great? Well, it all starts with great seaside views and great connectivity. Located
along the eastern shores of the core city area,
Kalasatama is just minutes away from downtown. Effective public transport – spearheaded by the Kalasatama metro station –
and the central location make Kalasatama an
alluring prospect for residents and companies alike. For example: if you fancy a stroll
by the sea, there is a six-kilometre promenade right by the shore.
Project Director Hannu Asikainen
believes that, upon completion, Kalasatama will be a “simply tremendous” area
for everyone.
“The area is still being developed, but
there’s already a strong community spirit, an
attitude of doing things together,” he says.
The development of the Kalasatama
district will continue well into the 2030s,
and, eventually, the district will feature
20,000 residents and 8,000 jobs. Today,
Kalasatama is already home to about
2,000 residents.
Mini-Manhattan in the Making
Kalasatama will also feature high-rise construction of unprecedented verticality: The
Health tech has made a big impact in
Vallila. Development Manager Minna
Kalasatama Centre, known as REDI, will
consist of eight tower blocks which will feature 20–35 storeys (the highest tower reaching 132 metres). The towers will be complemented by a versatile commercial centre as
well as a nearby social and healthcare centre.
“REDI will be a strong anchor for the
community and the commercial functions
will go well beyond what people expect
from a regular shopping centre,” Asikainen