Nooteboom Documentation English Nooteboom Academy | Page 3
Abnormal transport is specialist work.
Vehicles have been big, heavy and wide
for quite a while, but machines are now
getting more advanced all the time so
that the volume and economic value of
the loads keep increasing. Add to this the
changes in laws and regulations, stricter
enforcement requirements, stricter
emission standards and extra traffi c
volume and it is clear that for the drivers
in abnormal transport their responsibility
and accountability grows. Time after time
the bar is raised. On a technical, material
and personal level.
Specialist work on the road begins with properly trained For professional drivers it is compulsory to undergo 35 hours
personnel. Drivers who know their vehicles, and know how of refresher training every fi ve years in order to keep their
to transport what, are more confi dent. They will feel more re- Code 95 competence. This training has to include at least
sponsibility for their load and are more aware of their vehicle 7 hours of practical training, the other 28 hours consisting
and the possibilities with it. This extra understanding enhanc- of theoretical courses. Especially in abnormal transport it is
es the quality of the transport and their job satisfaction. It also important that the drivers don’t just show up to collect the
contributes towards a wider usability of the equipment, more obligatory points but also attend one or more suitable training
effi cient planning, lower repair and maintenance costs and courses. Preferably tailor-made. And practice-oriented. With
increased road safety. the latest or their own equipment. With plenty of practical
content. And if possible at a provider who knows the ropes
and offers a broad, high-quality portfolio, specifi cally aimed
at abnormal transport. That provider is now available: the
Nooteboom Academy.