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Featured Author for Month of July:

Paul Edward Fitzgerald


Q: When did you first realize you wanted to write?

A: I’ve always been interested in writing from the time I was a little child. I always liked making up little stories. My own mother tells stories of how I would not color in the coloring books she bought because I insisted on coloring them in with my imagination and telling my own story. So I was always the imaginative little fellow! I abandoned it momentarily because of discouragement I received from a teacher who insisted I was wasting my time. But I’ve returned to it now and couldn’t be happier with it; it’s what I love and feel I was meant to do.

Q: What styles do you write in?

A: I don’t know that I have a particular style of writing. The most important thing to me is to make character driven stories. I like my characters to be relatable on some level, even if they are doing the most horrendous things! If I can succeed at that I’ve done my job.

Q: What are you currently working on?

A: Well, right now I am finishing up my debut novella Sally’s Spirit which I intend to have independently published under my own publishing imprint. It’s just about ready for the beta reading stage. Due to some unforeseen distractions as of late I have fallen behind on said novella, shamefully! But I am back on track now with it. And after Sally’s Spirit I have a few other projects lined up including an anthology of my own short stories entitled Sin: A Deadly Anthology inspired by the 7 Deadly Sins and a few other novels & novellas I intend to work on and get finished. As always, I am also always working on short stories to submit to different places like The Sirens Call Publications for their Sirens Call eZine; an online magazine containing the most terrific creepy tales! And, of course, I’m always willing and eager to have a story of mine read on Storytime with Whimsy on the wonderful YouTube Channel of one Ms. Whimsy Gardener!

Q: What are you future goals?

A: I have many goals! But for right now, just getting my debut novella out and in circulation is front and center for me. Another major priority is getting my website and blog put together and ready for use. Having one is important in today’s world for any author; a platform is needed. And I am hoping through my blog and website I’ll be able to reach out to readers and give them a taste of…Well, me! It is actually another project that has fallen to the wayside recently, unfortunately. But I am also focusing hardcore on that again now! Powering ahead and getting back on track with my site, blog, and writing. And designer Saad Akram has done a terrific job with it so far in these early stages. Anyone looking to make a professional and gorgeous website, I highly recommend seeking out this man’s services. He’s the best!

Q: Anything else you would like to add?

A: Just to come and like my Facebook Page and keep an eye out for my work there. On it will be updates for stories I’ve written, my novella, and of course my blog! Keep an eye out there and expect much more from me soon. Hopefully my work won’t disappoint!

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