their ploy she had to participate in a debate- where she won in
theory; but two tricky questions awaited her- First- What is
the most painful experience of the body? Second- What is the
most pleasurable sensation of the body? She answered it as
child birth for the first and love making as the second. The
trap fell into place as plotted and everybody questioned the
purity of the virgin girl who could answer these questions
which required experience to know. Her knowledge was used
against her and she was ostracised by the brahminical clout.
She being an ardent devotee did not want to spare another
single moment on this earth and decided to leave the mortal
existence, unaware of her inherent powers. It was a
Muchilottu Nair who on request gave her the oil which she
poured on the smouldering coal on which she stood and
Aug 2018 abode. After a few
prayed to the God and left NON-ATHEIST,
for her heavenly