We hope the articles in this magazine will immerse you in Fallas spirit. Can you feel the "bump bump", inside and around you? Will you join us?:-)
Raquel Simó Meléndez
IES Salvador Gadea (Aldaia)
Adventurous reader, welcome to this NoMI emagazine about Valencia and Fallas, a UNESCO World Heritage festivity with so much to see and to live and so much energy in the air!
Home-grown in Valencia, my first memories are about feeling the pulse of the city. Playing in streets that, closed to traffic, regained a human pace. Navigating my way through a continuous soundtrack of petardos, increasingly joyful! Gathering at Ayuntamiento Square to share the intense crescendo of every mascletà and coming back home singing (and shouting!) and dancing (and jumping!) following the bandas de música.
Fallas rhythm goes deep and beats in the heart of life cycle. In this age of immediate and permanently accessible virtual experiences, Fallas building, celebrating and burning bring time to real: expecting for accomplishment, admiring and realizing fugacity, knowing that remembrance will nourish new springs. Life journey, that goes from one beginning to another, remembers the past with a critic eye but also with kindness and a smile, and celebrates with energy, hope and joy a fresh start. Year round and every day.
Fallas are about rhythm.