Tomorrow is the first blank page of a 365 page book . Write a good one .
– Brad Paisley
1 . Try to fail . Yes , I know that ’ s crazy . You ’ re afraid of failing so you ’ re going to TRY TO FAIL ? Actually , yes .
We ’ re talking about a shift in mindset here . Instead of worrying about failure , we ’ re going to embrace it . After all , most self-made millionaires failed over and over again . It ’ s because they kept trying that they were so successful .
So embrace failure . Know that it ’ s actually your friend and not your enemy . Do everything you can to avoid it , but if it comes knocking , you know your life isn ’ t going to end .
Instead , you ’ re going to sit down with failure and discuss how you can avoid him the next time around .
2 . Think it through . Ask yourself , “ What ’ s the absolutely , positively WORST thing that could happen ?”
Oh yeah , that you do the work and don ’ t make money . That ’ s it . Your face won ’ t fall off . Your life won ’ t be over . The world won ’ t end .
Yes , maybe you ’ ll feel some embarrassment . But do you know how many times professional ice skaters fall in their lifetime of learning ? Me neither , but I guarantee it ’ s a BUNCH of times . Do they sit on the ice and cry about it ? Maybe .
But then they get back up and start skating again . Failing isn ’ t death , it ’ s a learning experience . Embrace failure so that you can succeed . One more thing …
3 . Start with a proven plan and work from there . You are much less likely to fail if you take a path that has already proven to get you where you want to go . So don ’ t reinvent the wheel . Instead , choose something proven time and time again to work – list building maybe ? And start with that . Then once you taste success , you can start taking roads less traveled if you want to .
All those ‘ reasons ’ for not starting or growing your business almost always boil down to one thing – fear .
It ’ s so much easier when you get home from your job to park yourself on the porch with a beer or in front of the TV with a bag of chips .
And that little voice of fear in your head will tell you that you should be doing ANYTHING but working on your business . So take little steps . Embrace fear . Start with a proven plan . And enjoy the ride . Because once you come out on the other side , you ’ ll wonder what took you so long to get started .
And you ’ ll have more confidence in yourself , your abilities and your choices to continue growing your business into the 6 and 7 figure income you ’ re dreaming of right now .
Best of luck .
Tomorrow is the first blank page of a 365 page book . Write a good one .
– Brad Paisley