Profile Questions
1. Provide an example of a situation
where you had to be proactive.
2. Give me an example of how you
had to think about possible
problems that could occur and
how you planned to avoid them.
3. You state that you are both
proactive and forward thinking in
your CV could you give me
examples of situations where you
can demonstrate these traits.
4. Provide an example of a situation
where you demonstrated being both
proactive and forward thinking.
5. You have described yourself as
being both proactive and forward
thinking, how would your team
describe you?
6. They say that being both proactive
a n d f o r w a rd t h i n k i n g re q u i re s
planning, please provide an example
of this.
In the example CV, the profile states
that this person is forward thinking
and proactive. Lets us take a look
at some of the questions that could
be asked about this statement.