Save dollars on your worker’s compensation premiums by enrolling in our group
rating plan offered through Paramount Preferred Solutions, Inc. Group rating allows
companies in a similar industry to “group” their workers’ compensation claims
history together. By grouping companies with few or no claims, all businesses
enrolled in the group can earn up to the BWC maximum discount on the program.
Coverage is still provided by the Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation and
employers maintain their own policy number. The full service program includes
hearing representation, rate & underwriting analysis, program evaluation, premium
discounts, claims management and unemployment consultation.
Team NPC provides chamber members with viable user friendly credit/debit card
processing services, no matter the size of the business or type of service needed we
have the solution. Having an organized and efficient payment processing solution is
essential to any business trying to stay competitive. Team NPC focuses on setting
your account up per your specific industry’s needs: A Doctor’s Office for example,
should not be set up the same as Pizza Parlor – 90% of the time this important step
is overlooked by other processors and banks, an ‘oversight’ which causes you, the
merchant, to pay significantly higher rates.