NODNOL ISSUE #2 NODNOL-Issue 2 | Page 32

Vacation on a Peninsula

Having a break in July is the best. It means you can travel where ever you want, come back and it’ s still summer, unless you live in London. Then you will slowly realise that half of the year has already happened. Where did all these months go? Wow, time is always running in an Hyperloop kind of way. Even more so did I feel I needed some time to switch off and relax. I haven’ t had a week off since six months and I could feel that my body got tired and my mind couldn’ t really rest, filter and calm down anymore.

And where can I relax the best? Absolutely, at the sea, at our sea, the Baltic Sea. I’ m really proud that Germany has such a nice sea side. I went to my favourite little secret paradise in the north east of Germany, a peninsula called Darß to meet my mum and to spend some quality time with her. For the first time, I didn’ t think about getting bored or not finding something interesting for me to do because for the first time I could feel all I want is to connect with nature and my mum. Simple as that. Nothing else was important. The first evening I arrived we walked along the beach. It was sunset time and we sat down next to a typical Strandkorb( beach chair) with a bottle of wine and enjoyed that view over the beach, held our faces up to this beautiful light and let our conversation flow. A conversation that doesn’ t need any introduction or any explanation- a deep conversation from mum to daughter, from women to women and from friend to friend. And I already felt the heaviness on my shoulders started to disappear.
I’ m a fan of the sea and the beach. I constantly think how can I make it to live closer or by the sea? Why is it so calming and makes me feel at peace? Most of the answers I found in the book I was reading during my holidays. My friend Jana who recently became a marine biologist gave it to me. The book is called BLUE MIND, written by another marine biologist named Wallace J. Nichols. It’ s about the effects that water has on our wellbeing and health.
No wonder that I feel so at ease at the sea or near a lake or river.
My take aways from that week is not only that spending quality time with my family makes me happy but also that one week is enough for me to think clearly again and to start cutting out the“ noise” in my life. And with that I mean doing and following things that are actually not helping me to become a better and thankful person. Things that don’ t help me to feel happy. That refers to the distractions in my daily life, the extra stress I create running from one appointment to another in a city with over 8 million people and consuming to much social media without a goal or gaining true insight or knowledge. I have now adjusted my daily routine, took the simplicity of the sea side life style into my big city lifestyle and feel so much better and relaxed. Now tell me, what about you?
How does a holiday by the water effect you? Send me your story to mariejanine @ icloud. com.