from this exhibition. My hope and
curiosity to discover more creative
and arty selfie projects out there.
With asking some people around
me about their opinion of selfies I
can definitely say that these narcis-
sist pictures are more than boring.
They don’t inspire or make us feel
better at all.
What do you think of taking
selfies? I’ve asked some people
and these were their answers.
“Unless they are with friends, they
are a self-indulgence that is a clear
sing of either insecurity or un-
pleasant confidence.”
“I don’t see many taking selfies but
it’s usually the young people doing
this. I think it’s funny. And I think
it is a bit narcissist, too.”
“I have an ambivalent relation-
ship with selfies, I sometimes like
to take them (alone or with some-
body else – friends, family) and
it is a nice memory, quickly to do
and can be fun as well. On the oth-
er hand I think we need to be care-
ful as it can easily be “abused” in a
way that I think it can make you
become self-absorbed and egocen-
tric. I deeply dislike fake girls who
stand in front of a mirror in a club
or restaurant taking 20 pictures of
themselves with duck face and a
kilo of make up on. I think this is
simply wrong and not best use of
the time. Not to mention that the
reality often looks very different
than what portrayed on a selfie.”
“Selfies: It’s like a mirror that you
can use and put in front of you to
look at yourself.”
“They annoy me when they in-
volve pouting and general posing
(ooh look at my sexy body) but I
enjoy them when having fun with
friends or for taking a nice travel
photo with yourself in it. Also very
useful as a mirror when you sus-
pect you something in your teeth!”
“My opinion is quite divided. On
one side I love how easy it is to take
photos of great moment s that you
are having with friends or even
alone. There is no taboo about tak-
ing a quick snack of yourself with
a famous moment for instance. I
think it’s a step forward from the
days where you had to install your
camera on a wall or balance it on a
book and then wait weeks to have
the film developed. However I also
hate how it has become so com-
monplace. It’s almost impossible to
pass someone in London who isn’t
taking a selfie and I wonder if we
are missing out on actually seeing
the world by trying to commem-
orate it in photo form instead. I
really dislike how so many are try-
ing to portray these acts of adren-
aline just to get the ‘perfect selfie’
too, there have been so many selfie
related deaths and that’s sad. But
that’s probably another topic alto-
gether on social media.”
As an encouragement for every-
body who read the article until here
I would like you to start turning
your camera around now. It’s time
to do something different right?
Watch this talk here, https://www.
oRo and let me know what do you
think? What’s your next project?
From selfie to self-expression.