Noch Noch - Going MENtal, MEN Do get it - Going MENtal - MEN Do Get It | Page 29

How do you cope with your stress and prevent burnout now?

About two years ago I was introduced to The Thrive Programme, which trains you how to have an internal locus of control, how to build your self-esteem, and address common issues such as stress and anxiety. Once you understand how your mind works, you can set about changing it and start to thrive in life and in the workplace.

The programme is grounded in very robust research and is life-changing. I was so impressed that I trained to become a Thrive consultant, and in the course of the training I realised how powerful this programme can be for businesses as well as individuals. With my background as a company CEO, my mission is to take TTP to businesses and get their workforces thriving!

What do you suggest other men to do when they feel overwhelmed?

To be stressed and overwhelmed is a horrible feeling and sadly it’s all too common. That feeling is bad enough in itself. To also feel that the feeling is happening TO you rather than the reality, which is that you are doing this TO YOURSELF only makes the individual feel more powerless than they already do. My advice is to sign up to The Thrive Programme as you won’t regret it and it will not only cure your sense of overwhelm but will literally be life changing.

To learn more about THRIVE:

Contact Charlie: [email protected]