NOCC Impact Report 2016 | Page 2

MI S S I O N The Mission of the National Ovarian Cancer Coalition (NOCC) is to save lives by fighting tirelessly to prevent and cure ovarian cancer, and to improve the quality of life for survivors. VI S I O N The Vision of the NOCC is to be the premier public health organization in the United States dedicated to saving and improving the lives of women affected by ovarian cancer. The organization is dedicated to consistently producing and distributing high quality resources that include current information and developments about the four aspects of cancer care: risk assessment, diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment. The NOCC is committed to creating access to such information to benefit the ovarian cancer community, including Survivors, caregivers, loved ones, health care providers, and the general public. P H I LO S O PH Y When a woman is diagnosed with ovarian cancer, the impacts echo throughout her family, and the entire community. Indeed, Ovarian Cancer is More Than a Woman’s Disease®. For a disease in which there is no early detection test, education and awareness of symptoms are imperative. This reality underscores the importance of the NOCC’s education and awareness program and initiatives, which have helped the NOCC work towards shifting ovarian cancer from a disease, to a cause. Through a network of chapter offices and volunteers in communities nationwide, NOCC programs and initiatives bring greater awareness of this devastating disease to women, with the hope of prompting early detection and diagnosis, and less adverse impact on lives. Included in this effort is NOCC’s ongoing advocacy to elected officials on behalf of funding ovarian cancer research. With tireless dedication, the NOCC continues to be uniquely positioned to lead the ovarian cancer community in creating the momentum necessary to improve ovarian cancer mortality rates. ABOU T T H E N AT I O N AL OVAR IAN CANC E R COAL ITIO N For nearly 25 years, the NOCC has been committed to raising awareness, promoting education, and funding research in support of women, families, and communities touched by ovarian cancer. The NOCC is wellestablished as an important national advocate for patients and families struggling with this insidious disease, and remains steadfast in its mission to save lives by fighting tirelessly to prevent and cure ovarian cancer, and to improve the quality of life for survivors. NOCC programs and initiatives offer many opportunities for Survivors and loved ones to share their personal experiences and find support from each other. A strong community has been formed, which offers hope and strength throughout each journey. For more information about the NOCC, please visit, and follow the NOCC’s active community engagement on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and YouTube.