Noble Use of Money
the one who is repaying you, whereas in the other situation, the
money owed to you will have to come only from that individual.
If not, the repayment ultimately will come in your next life,
perhaps in the form of a dowry. Have you not heard people say
that the boy is poor but comes from a very reputable family, so
give him a dowry of fifty thousand rupees! Now what is that
dowry for? It is really a repayment of a pending account. These
are the kind of accounts there are. Not only does the father
have to give away his daughter but he also has to give a dowry!
This is how dues are paid off.
Only The Direction Of The One Who Does Not Need
What would you do if someone were to snatch five
thousand rupees from your hands?
Questioner: I have lost a lot of money this way. A lot
of my wealth has disappeared.
Dadashri: Then what do you do? Do you not feel
Questioner: Nothing.
Dadashri: That is good, that means you are wise. Wealth
comes to you to be snatched away. If it does not go one way,
it will go another. Therefore use it for a good cause; otherwise
it will end up in the wrong place for sure. That is the nature of
money. It will end up in the wrong place if it is not used for a
good cause. Only a little goes towards a good cause, but most
of it goes the wrong way.
Questioner: Show us a good cause. How do we know
which is a good cause and which is a bad cause?
Dadashri: The good cause is… I do not accept a single
penny from anyone. I wear my own clothes; I am not the owner
of this body! I have not been the owner of this body for the last