42 Noble Use of Money
attracts atoms of merit karma and while doing bad deeds , atoms of demerit karma are pulled to the self . When these karmas discharge as an effect , they will either bring happiness or misery . As long as one has not attained Self-realization , he will be subject to experiencing either happiness or suffering , whereas a Self-realized person is impervious to the effects of any karma . He does not suffer the effects , but remains the knower of it all .
Good Use Of Money
Questioner : If a person makes a million dollars because of his merit karmas , should he give to the poor or should he spend it on himself ?
Dadashri : The money should be spent in such a way that it does not hurt anyone in his family . First he should ask his family members whether they have any financial difficulties , and if they tell him no , then he has fulfilled his duty . If they have financial problems , then he has to take care of that first . He should do at least this much .
Questioner : But he should spend it towards a good cause , surely ?
Dadashri : Yes , he should spend all the rest towards a good cause . Whatever he uses for his own home goes to waste and the money he donates will create a safe-side for his next life . He cannot take the money with him , but at least he can use it to secure a safe-side for himself .
him !
Questioner : But in a way it is the same as taking it with
Dadashri : Yes , but only that which creates a safe-side for you is worth taking with you . So use the money in such a way that it makes others happy . That is your safe-side .
Questioner : What is the proper use of money ?