Noble Use Of Money Noble Use Of Money | Page 33

Noble Use of Money 23 speech will give visible results and will be experienced in this life. This Is How Obstacles Are Destroyed Questioner: So should we make sure that we do not have any negative thoughts? Dadashri: That is not possible. You cannot help having such thoughts. However, your job is to erase them. The decision not to have such thoughts is called nischaya. You cannot stop your thoughts; they will continue to come. You must however, erase them before they create a new karma for your next life. If you were to have a thought that a person should not be given any help, because of this knowledge that you received about creating obstructions, you will have the awareness and you will erase that thought. This is similar to erasing the contents of a letter before you mail it. Then the problem is solved. But without gnan you cannot erase anything! A worldly person (who has not taken Gnan) will never erase his mistakes in this way! On the contrary he will say, “Such thoughts are necessary, you don’t understand.” Thus he only complicates his life further. By saying and maintaining this, he doubles his faults and reinforces them. The ego does the wrong thing; it causes harm to the owner. It is like slashing your own legs with an axe. It is self- destructive. From now on you can erase everything through repentance. If you hurt someone through your speech, first make a decision that you should not speak that way again and then ask for forgiveness. This will erase your bad deeds. This is similar to changing the contents of a letter before you mail it. Your initial negative thought of, “Charity is not necessary for him,” is now changed to, “It is good to give charity.” In this way your initial thought gets erased. To give charity, to help others, to have an obliging nature,