Noble Use of Money
take advantage of them, and to those who are noble. It may
appear to have gone away, but it will return to them.
Greed Makes You Forget Charity
You can only give when you have the means to do so. If
a person does not have any money to give, he tells himself that
he would give charity if he had the money. And yet, when the
ability to fulfill the desire for charity is arises, he pushes it aside.
The nature of the human mind is to delay. He will say, “I only
have a million and a half right now, but when I reach two million,
I will give to charity.” However, that never happens, that day
never comes. In such charities, it is best to give without thinking
and planning. That is true wealth.
Questioner: What if a person was to die before he
accumulates two million?
Dadashri: He goes away and his wealth gets left behind.
Things remain unresolved and he gains nothing. That is the nature
of a human being. When he does not have the money, he says
he wants to give and when he has the money, his greed will
blind him.
People make all kinds of excuses when it comes to giving.
On the other hand, if someone owes them money and does not
pay it back, they become resigned and claim that they were not
lucky enough to get the money back. They will let go of their
money in those situations, yet they cannot let it go towards a
charity. Such is the inner kashaya of greed for money. It completely
deludes them. You have to become strong and bold, because
only then will you be able to give. That is why I tell you to at least
do something so that your attachment to greed does not control
you. If you cannot give a flower, give at least a petal, but do
something. All you have to do is to give your support, even if
that support is very little. Everyone should give in whatever way
he or she can afford. Even a sick person can give a little support.