Noble Use of Money
animals and birds, a lesser amount will be credited to your account.
Keep Your Mind Noble
Questioner: I used to donate thirty percent of my
earnings to charities, but now I have stopped. I am not able to
do that anymore.
Dadashri: Since your intention and desire is to give, you
will be able to at a later time, because there is plenty of money
where it came from. But what can anyone do when the mind
becomes spoilt?
Does Wealth Come Because One Gives, Or Does One
Give Because It Comes?
One day I was visiting someone. We were sitting in his
living room and there was a bad storm. The doors and windows
started banging in the wind. The man asked me whether he
should close the doors. I told him not to close all the doors.
Fresh air can only flow in if the trapped air is allowed to flow
out. Otherwise no matter how strong the force of the wind, it
cannot enter.
This same analogy can be applied to the flow of money.
If you do not obstruct it and let it flow out from one end, it will
flow in from the other and will continue to flow in. But if you
obstruct it, no more will come in. That is how it works. Now,
it is up to you to decide the path in which it will flow. Whether
you use it on your wife and children, for fame, for Gnandaan,
the charity that liberates others, or to feed the hungry, it is up
to you. Only when you let it flow, it will come to you.
Types Of Charity
There are four forms of charity: food (ahara-daan),
medical care (aushadha-daan), spiritual knowledge (Gnan-
daan) and The State Of Absolute Non-Violence (abhaya-daan
- conduct that raises no fear in any living being).