Noam on Seminar ~ Summer 2014 Summer 2014 | Page 5

We'd like to take this opportunity to introduce you to the structure of Ramah Israel Seminar. Our summer is divided into educational units. Each unit has an introduction and a summary, and each day within the unit follows specific themes that tie together the various sites, activities, and speakers. The bus kvutzot (groups) rotate itineraries within the unit. Throughout the summer, we will introduce you to each unit and to the itinerary of each kvutza so you can follow your child's program each day. The kvutzot will not always visit the exact same sights. The units for Seminar 2014 are: People, Land, and Community (adam, adamah, v'kehilla) The Dream and the Reality of Israel The Leader Within The Negev: Judaism, Zionism, and You We begin our journey with our first unit "People, Land, and Community." This unit makes the connection between the relationship of a person to their community and to the land. While we are building our own Ramah Seminar community/"kehilla", we explore other "kehillot" both ancient and modern. How did the Jews of Katzrin connect to the Land of Israel? When Jews moved towards the Diaspora from the Galilee and Golan, how did their kehillot preserve this connection? When the first modern Jewish/Zionist communities were established, how did their form and 5