afternoon they headed out to the
Kasui Sand Dunes with Shvilim,
Senesh and Agnon and then back
to Kibbutz Ketura for a pool
August 3
Kvutzat Amichai began their day
with Shacharit at Ben Gurion's
grave at Sde Boker. Ben Gurion
was the first Prime Minister of
Israel (1886-1973). They
discussed his dream of "making
the desert bloom". Afterwards, they set out on a hike in Ein Avdat. The
canyon of Ein Avdat is part of Nahal Zin, the largest dry riverbed in the
Negev. The 120 kilometer-long riverbed begins at the northwestern tip of
Makhtesh Ramon and heads north before veering sharply eastwards. Ein
Avdat was created by erosion. Later they returned to Sde Boker to tour
Ben Gurion's house. They returned to the kibbutz to rest and swim before
heading out on their night walk through Nahal Havarim with Agnon and