"NOAH" Ethnographic District ARUP | Page 80

Noah Etnographic District

Enviromental strategy

The Noah District will be a cutting-edge project on sustainability strategies . The aim is to generate a new development with a low impact on energy consumption and with a strong message addressed towards an environmental sustainable approach .
In order to achieve this goal the following strategies will be further developed to be taken in place :
• Optimization of daylighting . Every building has been oriented in order to maximize the daylighting . This would allow to reduce drastically the energy need due to artiicial lighting .
• Minimizing water consumption , and collecting and reusing rainwater
• Reducing buildings energy demand through energy eicient design and maximising passive measures ( natural ventilation & free cooling , thermal mass , efective solar shading , highly energy eicient displacement ventilation system with heat recovery , low energy public lighting ).
• Generating cooling / heating energy eiciently using low carbon technologies ( cooling and heating building system will be motivating for the rest of existing district systems ).
• Using on site renewable technologies ( i . e photovoltaic roofs ) to further reduce buildings energy demand , operational costs and carbon emission .
At this concept stage a set of three climate-based analysis were performed in order to evaluate the quality of the Master Plan proposed in term of direct solar radiation for both the outdoor spaces and the buildings facades .
Outdoor spaces analysis shows the diferences in term of amount of direct sunlight on the outdoor spaces for diferent periods of the year : the illumination of the main circular distribution streets is uniform during the years , creating a positive condition for shops and stores .
Buildings facade analysis visualizes the cumulative solar radiation on facades ; it is possible to identity four diferent facade types related to the solar radiation levels . This analysis will inform the next phases of the design , addressing for example the solutions of diferent shading systems , which will concur to get the optimisation of the building envelopes according to diferent orientation .
Climate analysis Total Radiation Sky Dome ( kWh / m2 ) Period : 1 Jan - 31 Dec
Outdoor spaces Sunlight Hours Analysis ( hours of direct light for a single day ) Period : 21 Dec
Outdoor spaces Sunlight Hours Analysis ( hours of direct light for a single day ) Period : 21 Mar
Outdoor spaces Sunlight Hours Analysis ( hours of direct light for a single day ) Period : 21 Jun