"NOAH" Ethnographic District ARUP | Page 68

Noah Etnographic District Thematic sectors Design approach Our design approach is focused on promoting, through architecture and design, Armenian values and the sense of community of Noah Ethnographic District, creating a synergy between innovation and local traditions. This is possible by generating the sense of place, the sense of belonging of the new community, sharing common values in the same common place, promoting the individual personalities and diversities, engaging contemporary tourism with Armenian traditions, culture and aspirations. We have pondered the co-existence of traditional architecture, that is, the spontaneous architecture born out of adaptation of available resources and therefore strongly inluenced by climatic and geographical conditions, and an innovative and modern design that ensures a high level of comfort and elevated sustainability in the same form. As we could not copy the style of passed architecture, so deeply rooted in a culture and in a tradition as ancient as the Armenian, we are thinking of an innovative process of design and construction, involving the craftsmen, who would truly bring their culture and tradition, realizing together with architects, artists, etc. a really new Armenian architecture, according to regional techniques handed down from generation to generation and according to contemporary standard and way of living. We represented the identity of Armenian traditional elements in three geographical regions, following the variety of landscape similarities: • Dry Highlands • Ararat Valley • Forest Mountains The selection of the proposed regions is only a lexible suggestion that can be expanded or changed according to the input and contribution of experts in Armenian culture and history. This preliminary classiication gave us the opportunity to identify 3 thematic Sectors: Sector 1 - Dry Highlands Region, Sector 2 - Ararat Valley Region, Sector 3 - Ararat Valley Region. In each region, we have then investigated the typical recurring shapes of the Armenian traditional architecture, determining a series of tools (Roof, 68 Porch, Loggia, Balcony, Bow-Window, Material, Carving, Cultivation) that recur in the three regions and that have developed diferent architectural peculiarities because of their geographical diference. In the possible development of the Master Plan, we will investigate with accuracy the rules and the regulations, as well the proper design composition by the tools, in order to conigure the district as a synthesis of innovation and local tradition tradition, developing a process for the new Armenian Architecture. Noah Ethnographic District Master Plan will be the opportunity to create a pilot project for Armenia, as well to develop an innovative and attractive district, a great destination for tourists, where visitors and inhabitants would enjoy an authentic and unique place, made by architects, artists and craftsmen using materials and techniques supplied from their original regions, with evident beneits in terms of construction costs and economical regional growth. The taste of Armenia We want to tell the story of Armenian agri-food culture combining local tradition, high quality food and the expertise of those who have always been working in the traditional food chains. Each of the three regions is characterized by rows of vineyards of its more typical grapes, which will produce the most characteristic wine of the region; each of the three sectors has many gardens where typical produce of the region are cultivated, which wise farmers will transform into typical products to be displayed in the windows of their typical shops and bring them to the table in the thematic restaurants of each region. Everything is Armenian, from seed to its inal shape, because the tradition is in the uniqueness of Armenian territory and climate, and in the skilful hands of those who know how to take care, transform and cook the production of their original land. We want to produce the true taste and beauty of Armenia, and illustrate it to the rest of the world. Sector 1: Dry Highlands Region Sector 2: Ararat Valley Region Sector 3: Ararat Valley Region