"NOAH" Ethnographic District ARUP | Page 62

Noah Etnographic District Tolerance Square: diferent scenarios Summer Scenario During the warmer months, a fountain situated in the center of the square will refresh during the hottest hours of the day. The large porch that embraces the square becomes an exhibition center of all the typical produce harvested in vegetable gardens or produced in the local craft store, while the tables in the square allow you to enjoy wines and drinks outdoors. We thought about the Tolerance Square as a great art exhibitor, where diferent stylistic currents and artistic ambitions can coexist. Along the square there is room for the stalls of midweek markets, and also for sporting events, and school or literary activities. The large pond in the center of the square can be covered with a timber structure and the steps become an auditorium for night concerts, theatre performances, or philosophical conferences. 62 Summer Scenario