"NOAH" Ethnographic District ARUP | Page 58

Noah Etnographic District Tolerance Square Noah and the “Mountains of Ararat” Tolerance Square According to the fourth verse of the eighth chapter of the Book of Genesis, following the lood, Noah’s Ark landed on the “Mountains of Ararat”. Despite lying outside the modern borders of the Republic of Armenia, Ararat is strongly connected and associated with Armenia, and considered the country’s most important symbol. Tolerance: Disposition to understand and respect other people’s behaviours, ideas or beliefs, even if this conlicts with their own. Starting with the concept of tolerance we have developed a lexible notion of the space, capable of accommodating scenarios which relect the needs of inhabitants of the Noah Ethnographic District and lexibility in the future according to the needs of future generations. We could not ignore the identity of the Armenian people with a symbol so strong and rooted in Christian tradition, not only to Armenians but to the entire Christian community of the rest of the world. Tourism today is one of the main sources of wealth in the country. We thought it was therefore essential to promote it through festivals and events related to the Armenian tradition, in order to ofer forms of entertainment throughout all the months of year not only for visitors but also for residents of the District. A postcard from Armenia Like the scene of a theatrical work, Mount Ararat acts as a spectacular curtain of Noah Ethnographic District. The Master Plan, traced from the existing morphology, allows visitors to glimpse the summit of the mountain, and to invite them to reach the heart of the District Tolerance Square, and enjoy the show. Greek theatre of Taormina, Italy 58