"NOAH" Ethnographic District ARUP | Page 54

Noah Etnographic District Morphology A Natural Theatre In ancient Greece, the construction of theaters was planned taking into consideration the existing morphology, in order to maximize the acoustic, and even more to emphasize the panoramic view, which should set the forestage to tragedies and comedies. The theatre in many diferent nations and cultures has embodied the most prestigious place in the city, the heart of political and cultural life. After reading the existing landscape and the morphology of the site, with a natural slope of around 20 meters, the Noah Ethnographic District Master Plan has been conceived as a natural theatre able to ofer everywhere a panoramic view of Mount Ararat, the heart of the religious and cultural life of the Armenian people. Through its natural inclination, residents and tourists are visually attracted to the beating heart of the District, the Tolerance Square, whose center has been recreated a cavea in which to attend performances and cultural events. The Great Theatre of Epidaurus, Peloponnese, Grece 54