"NOAH" Ethnographic District ARUP | Page 52

Noah Etnographic District Visitor’s experience In order to guarantee the best experience of the Noah Ethnographic District to its own inhabitants and to numerous Armenian and international tourists, we designed the entire scheme to be pedestrian, with the exception of a controlled traic that allows residents to reach private car parks and allows shops to load and unload goods. 3. Arrival from Zvartnots International Airport We have looked at three diferent types of arrivals, paths and experiences with which to approach the Master Plan. Taxis and airport shuttles will beneit from a dedicated drop-of located on the lower loor of the Tolerance Square. Thanks to direct access to the lobby of public buildings located on the lower loor of the square, tourists can easily access hotels and museums, coming directly to the heart of the district. 1. Arrival from Yerevan city Using local public transport from the centre of Yerevan, it is possible to reach the North Entrance of the Noah Ethnographic District. Arriving at the entrance of the Master Plan, the visitor is greeted by the retail stores of the local Armenian tradition, walking along one of the two main shopping streets. The panoramic view of Mount Ararat and the slope of the commercial street invites the visitor to proceed to the beating heart of the District, the Tolerance Square. Music, fragrances and lavours of Armenian tradition will tempt the visitor to “get lost” in the many little streets departing from the commercial road, wondering from one thematic sector to another, watching craftsmen at work in their shop, buying cofee in several corner bars near the crossroads and observing a street artist intending to show his portraits along the way. 2. Visit from Dalma Garden Mall Analysing the lows of Yerevan’s main attractions, is assumed that many visitors of the Noah Ethnographic District will come from a previous visit to the Dalma Garden Mall. Arriving from the north-south mall, visitors will join the front of the crowded square that ofers a natural invitation to walk along the second main commercial street dedicated to local food, evoked to taste the typical Armenian food products displayed in the store windows. The natural slope ofers a view on the Tolerance Square where it is possible to dine in the restaurants on the second loor of the large porch before resuming the visit of the three themed sectors. 52 International tourists can easily reach the Noah Ethnographic District directly from the airport, which is located in the southwest surrounding of the site area. After the warm Armenian welcome, and only after they have admired the panorama, visitors will be able to venture out to discover the relentless Armenian peculiarities in the Noah Ethnographic District. Tolerance Square - “heart“ of Noah Ethnographical district Dalma square Green promenade Artisanal goods: production, exposition and selling Regional retail promenade Regional food promenade Restaurants, cafe, B&B View on the Ararat mountain