"NOAH" Ethnographic District ARUP | Page 29

Concept Vision Development Awadh shipgram, India Key point This project is useful for us because of its concept of integration traditional elements of Indian regional architecture and reinforcing regional identity in the contemporary development. The project Architecture studio Archohm has completed a campus for promoting crafts in the Indian city of Lucknow, featuring a cluster of grass-roofed workshops and a spiralling shopping arcade. Awadh Shilpgram was designed by Archohm to accommodate almost 200 shops dedicated to crafts from around the region and beyond, alongside craft courts for hosting workshops, an amphitheatre, an exhibition hall and a food court. The aim is to provide local craftspeople with a place where they can share ideas, teach, learn and sell their work directly to customers. The buildings developed for the complex are intended to form a collage of shapes and materials that references the chaotic composition of the urban bazaars found throughout the region. Area General view Restaurant area The retail area The main square 29.784 sqm Function Traditional retail centre Main features Two-hundred craft shops Traditional architectural elements of India 29