"NOAH" Ethnographic District ARUP | Page 18

Noah Etnographic District Forest Mountains Region Geographical features Green mountains occupy the north-eastern part of the country that lies of 1300-2400 meters and in the south-east of the country reach altitudes up to 1600-1800 meters. Climate features Mountain forest landscapes are mostly prevalent in the north-eastern and south-eastern regions of the Republic,mainly in the north-eastern slopes of the Small Caucasus mountainous system. They occupy 10% of Armenia’s territory. In the north-eastern regions, where the most wet, the upper reaches of the forest reaches up to 2000 meters, and in the south- east - Zangezur, up to 2,400 meters. The climate in the mountainous area is relatively mild. Here are moderately cold winters, but snowy, wet and cool spring, summer is hot, sunny, and autumn is mild. The average annual precipitation is 600-700 mm. Mountain-gray and brown soils are common. Most of the plants are broad-leaved and coniferous. In the forests there are hornbeam , maple , shingle , oak , beech , rhinoceros , goat , hedgehog , wild pear, walnut , mite , ir , pine . Animals, squirrels , wild boars , brown bear ,woodpecker , eagle , hawk, and so on. Further analysis The particular architectural, materials, landscape, cultivation and product feature of every region is expanded in detail for a more comprehensive understanding and further analysis. Typical architecture of Goris city, Syunik province Stone houses Architecture Materials The well-preserved stone houses of the Goris and Dilijan city are an excellent example of the architecture of the region. Basic architecture elements are the wooden gable roofs and the wooden porches and loggias that emanates from the special features of natural climatic conditions. The main structural element of the buildings is stone. The stone used in buildings is typically quarried all at the same location, in order to give the structure a uniform colour. Powder made out of ground stone of the same type was often applied along the joints of the tufa slabs to give buildings a seamless look. . Stone architecture is usually combined with wooden elements. Traditional wood-crafts decorate most of the buildings. 18