Palatal grafting – Less pain with a palate stent
The results show that using Zn-containing palatal stent , Elemental , after free gingival graft surgery significantly reduces pain and patient morbidity during the postoperative period .
The study also revealed that the Zn-containing stent promoted a faster re-epithelialization rate .
To compare a pre-operatively , chair-side made , zinc-containing surgical stent ( ZN ) and suturing of a gelatin-based hemostatic agent ( HA ) on palatal wound healing and patient morbidity after free gingival graft surgery ( FGG ).
Clinical relevance
The results show that using Zn-containing palatal stent after free gingival graft surgery significantly reduces pain and patient morbidity during the postoperative period .
https :// link . springer . com / article / 10.1007 / s00784-023-05171-3
SCAN QR-CODE How to prepare
Elemental Granulate :
Elemental – Oral Surgical Granulate 10g Art . nor : EG001
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