No Signals Volume II | Page 9

That preparation has shaped up your progress in time. Progress doesn't come to you; it's up to you to go get it. Go two steps forward, something pushes you one step back, but you're still one step ahead of where you were, progress. Push yourself to be better, accept imperfection, but make sure you see, feel, touch, hear, and smell progress. Can you do more, yes you can, can you dream a little bigger, I believe you can, can you set higher goals to obtain, sure go get it. We're all a work in progress, even though everything may not come out in our favor at a particular time that doesn't mean there's no progress to be made.

Piss poor practice creates piss poor performance, progressive preparation prepares people for powerful performances. Create the opportunity for your diligent preparation to be used in a manner that it would aid someone in some form or fashion, in time realize your efforts were not being wasted, progression is all you know and you're allergic to going backwards. Work in progress I am that, being stagnant, I doubt that. WIP, move forward to where you want to be.

NSV II / April, 2017 9