NM magazine World Settembre 2020 | Page 31

- Are there any mistakes you would have liked to avoid or were they also useful?

Yes there were tons of mistakes that I’ve made, but looking back on them if I had to do them all over again I would want everything to go the exact same way. I have learned so much and I’ve grown so much from my mistakes. That’s one of the things NWM will allow you to do, make mistake after mistake. It’s one of the most forgiving business in the entire world. That means you can make mistakes and go do it all over again. For instance, let’s say you recruit 6 people and you did it all the wrong way. Well, you can draw a line in the sand and go do it all the right way the second time and go out and recruit a new 6 people correctly. That’s what I mean when I say it is the most forgiving business in the world.

- Do you have any advice for those who want to approach the world of network marketing?

Yes. Everyone can benefit both personally and professionally when they choose to be involved with NWM. It teaches you how to be a better person and sharpens every skill necessary to be an entrepreneur.

- Can you tell us how you spend your time when you are not involved in your Network business?

I’m a business man. I love business and I love to be involved in NWM as well as traditional businesses. I love to look for other business that I can be a part of that do not require me to be there physically. I am really addicted to residual income. I’m really addicted to leverage. Hence the reason why I like to be involved with businesses that do not require me to physically be there. I love to put systems in place to help the business to be a success. I love to identify the right caliber of talent to make sure they can operate the business. In addition to that, I love to spend time with my family and of course I love to travel.

- What are your next goals?

Right now it is 9/1/20. Before the end of this year I plan to start my own global network marketing company. It is a digital global lifestyle enhancement company. What this means is it is a global company in which we focus on 5 things. Number 1, there are 20 different ways to make money without recruiting. Number 2, we have a travel and entertainment component. People can travel for less and make money. Number 3, we have a digital health and wellness component. Obviously your health is your wealth. Number 4, we have a family finance component. That means we want to make sure that everyone knows what to do with a dollar. Everyone has their will or trust in place. Everything that is needed to have in place as a business owner is taken care of. Number 5, we have a spirituality and personal development component. These are the 5 pillars. This company will be launching by the end of 2020. We expect to have over 50,000 new representatives in our company within the very first month. We plan to break every record in the history of NWM. There has never been a company that has launched with over 50,000 people the first month. Then from there our goal is to take it to 2 million total customers inside of two years.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, my focus has temporarily shifted from NWM over the past few months. I have been laser focused on doing all that I can by using my influence to assist in getting COVID-19 testing to people all over the world. Due to the size of my current global organization of 750,000 people right now, I feel I have been put in a perfect position to move these tests and provide assistance on helping curb the spread of the coronavirus all over the world. My vision is to get 700 million tests to people worldwide.

Unfortunately, this is not an MLM opportunity, however I am responsible for choosing a few qualified individuals that really believe they can help with the vision. Of course there will be a strong compensation plan attached to the sales of these kits. The global demand for this product is insane right now. So I am extremely busy.

If anyone would like to know more about what it is I am doing, you can contact me via email [email protected] or visit my website at www.romaciofulcher.com