NJ Cops | Page 42

42 NEW JERSEY COPS ■ JANUARY 2015 Together for the holidays New Brunswick Local 23 held its 25th annual holiday dinner that brought back generations of retired officers ■ BY JOSHUA SIGMUND You know you’re doing something right when NJ State PBA President Pat Colligan calls your event “one of the best of the holiday season.” This event – Local 23’s 25th annual holiday dinner – brought together 150 active and retired New Brunswick officers, family and friends for an evening of food, drink and catching up. “It’s great to see each other,” said Local 23 State Delegate Pat Buckalew. “We have guys in their 80s still come down, some from as far away as Florida. You see someone who must have been retired for 30 years talking to a guy who recently retired and another still on the job – telling stories, laughing, talking about family and wishing each other a safe and healthy holiday.” The Dec. 16 event held in the “banquet hall” of the Sacred Heart Church in New Brunswick is the latest in a long tradition that began in 1988 by the active members – now organized by recently-retired Local 23 member Neil Maloney – looking to reengage communication and familiarity with those who came before. “You retire now and you really don’t see too many members any more,” remarked Buckalew, who has been coming to these events throughout his 20-year career. “You might see them at golf outings and summer picnics, but it’s nice to give back to the retired guys.” Perhaps as a testament to the example set by this Local; perhaps because he is a New Brunswick native with ties to the department (his grandfather was chief in the 1960s), President Colligan proudly made an appearance at the momentous event and echoed Buckalew’s apropos observation: “As much as a brotherhood we have, often when you retire, you are thrown by the wayside,” he confirmed. “It’s not on purpose – some Locals don’t make the effort to keep the retired guys involved. It’s really good to see that a Local goes to great lengths to make its retirees feel like they are still part of the brotherhood.” Calling the gathering place a “banquet hall” is a bit ironic. The setting was a tad less formal. “If this is what it takes to get people from different generations to get together to share a beer and a story, then it’s worth it,” Colligan added. “To walk in there and see a good chunk of their active members and almost all of their retirees with the shirts made up for the event was like ‘wow.’” Indeed – as inspiration to Locals with restrictive budgets – it’s not the setting that makes a good party, but the crowd and conversation and memories created. Following a cocktail hour and dinner – meticulously prepared and served by 20-or-so active Local 23 members who spent all day slaving over hot stoves (“Cooking for that many people is a big thing,” Buckalew affirmed), presentations of sil- Members of Local 23 past and present are all smiles at the 25th annual holiday dinner. Left, NJ State PBA President Pat Colligan, a New Brunswick native, stands with retired office