NJ Cops | Page 16

16 NEW JERSEY COPS ■ JANUARY 2015 A look ahead into 2015 Lobbying for the NJ State PBA can never be considered dull. A day doesn’t go by without a call with a legislator or his or her staff over an idea or a bill. Legislation, some old concepts and some brand new, is introduced every time the NJ Rob Nixon State Legislature is in session. And sometimes epic battles pop up that require a massive investment of time and energy. Through it all, it is safe to say that the State PBA is ever-present in the legislative scene in the state. State House Report We have dealt with more than a few “epic” issues during the past few years. The 2-percent cap, pension reform (several times), binding arbitration changes (several times) and seismic changes in police staffing statewide are in the past. But their effects linger on. Now, many in Trenton are only looking at what is ahead, but if t