NJ Cops | Page 12

12 LEGAL PROTECTION PLAN UPDATE NEW JERSEY COPS ■ JANUARY 2015 Target of investigative and criminal coverage These are unprecedented times for our members. Since 9-11, I have not had this degree of concern for Law Enforcement Officers, not only in New Jersey, but all over the nation. I am extremely distressed to see the tide of hate washing up against all of the great men and women in law enforcement as they go out to protect the causing the disturbances. Kevin C. people that areconsideration the members on Taking into Lyons the street, there are certain circumstances that are becoming prevalent due to the misguided media campaign against our Brothers and Sisters. I am offering some suggestions on how to handle fraudulent claims against our members within the guidelines of the Legal Protection Plan, so if a situation arises requiring either the use of force, the allegations of excessive force or, as we are seeing now, fraudulent demeanor or force allegations, here’s how the plan can help you. I think it is best that we first discuss the two types of coverage that the plan affords its members with regards to being the target of an investigation. The newest coverage is target of administrative investigation coverage. This coverage affords the members up to $750 in an administrative matter before charges are even brought. Just to give an overview on how this coverage functions: If you are notified that you are the target of an internal investigation, contact your State Delegate immediately and obtain a fully completed and executed claim form. You will then be given the opportunity to engage an approved attorney of your choice. This attorney can then accompany you to the interview and preserve your rights with regards to your employment. A word of advice: please make sure that you monitor the amount of work the attorney is doing on the case at this point. If the attorney does too much work on the case, then it may come out of your pocket at the end of the claim. This coverage is intended simply to allow the plan to protect you. At the point of an internal interview, you are very vulnerable if you do not know what your rights are even in the event you have not made the slightest mistake. One of the legacy coverages in the plan is target of criminal coverage. This coverage has been increased from $2,500 in 2008 to $3,500 per plan year. This coverage is to afford an attorney prior to criminal charges being levied against you. This coverage would attach in instances of excessive force, criminal civil rights allegations, racial profiling and a myriad of other charges that emanate from your duties as a law enforcement officer. The procedure is the same; see your State Delegate and procure a claim form. Once the State Delegate has completed the form you may bring it to the attorney of your choosing. This attorney can then represent you with regards to allegations that have been brought both during questioning and in any other adversarial setting. The old axiom, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” holds true here. In these tumultuous times you need to protect your Brothers and Sisters on the road and let the plan and its resources protect you. Two final points with regards to the target coverages: First, remember that internal affairs has a set of rules to follow as well. Having an attorney present makes it harder for them to circumvent those rules and your rights. I strongly suggest that if your IA officers do not follow the proper rules during their investigation and treat you with the same respect that a common criminal would receive, then you must take action to protect yourself. It is clear to me that a violation of the attorney general’s guidelines by an IA officer would be cause for an internal complaint, ultimately resting with the Chief Law Enforcement Officer of your department. Also, remember that these IA officers are, in many instances, PBA members and, while performing their duties, they are protected as such, stepping outside of the guidelines could certainly be cause for charges within the local. My final point is on the inevitable fraudulent claims against our members. We must assert our rights as victims when fraudulent administrative and criminal claims are made against us. There are statutes for retaliation against law enforcement officers and false police reports. We must require prosecutors and IA officers to pursue them. These complaints are intended to deprive you of your livelihood, assets and even your freedom. We cannot allow one person who commits such an act to possibly walk away. Please be safe, and use the plan for in these manners. It is my belief that these are the reasons it exists. d