‘A man for others’
Ken Burkert has worked diligently as the leader
of the New Jersey State PBA’s Peer Liaison Committee, and is someone who we consider both a hero
and a friend to all of us at Cop 2 Cop.
For those of you who don’t know his history, Ken
is a survivor who lost two close corrections officer
CASTELLANO friends to suicide in less than two years. Ken’s
COP 2 COP courage and compassion after he lost Rudy in a
tragedy that made national news compelled him to
serve even more. Rather than fall, Ken chose to rise together with
the State PBA to advocate for officer suicide awareness and to
combat stigma.
Ken and I met officially in the Governor’s Task Force on Police
Suicide in 2008 when we both served as task force members to
address a sharp increase of police suicides in our state. (Pat Colligan was also a task force member so the NJSPBA was well represented!)
During this task force assignment, Ken lost his second brother
corrections officer Frankie, but this time he used the education
and resources he picked up to lead a model response, collaborating with Cop 2 Cop and the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention to affect change.
Kenny has made a profound impact on PBA members, and has
never shied away from the microphone during state PBA meetings, always volunteering to tell his story of loss, and begging, if
need be, for officers to reach out for help. Ken has been a big part
of the success, access and acceptance of the Cop 2 Cop peer
helpline and debriefings, as well as the Cop 2 Cop QPR suicide
prevention trainings that have reached thousands of officers.
Our first countywide mandatory in-service Cop 2 Cop QPR
training was championed in Ken’s Union County, which made
history by training more than 1,000 officers to “Be your brother’s
keeper.” The effort was expanded when Union County
Prosecutor Ted Romenco worked with county chiefs to offer QPR
Treating PBA Members and Their Families for Alcoholism, Addiction,
Post-Traumatic Stress, Depression & Anxiety disorders for more than 30 years
Transitions Specializes in treating Police Officers for:
• Post Traumatic Stress Disorder • Stress Management • Anger Management • Unresolved Trauma • Eating Disorders
Transitions Recovery Program was conceived and designed by a retired Miami Police Officer
with a passion for helping chemically dependent clients and their families.
Admissions for qualified candidates accepted seven (7) days a week.
Most major insurance accepted and a contracted provider for many Preferred Provider Organizations (PPO’s) and Managed Care Companies.
Rehab programs use a combination of group and individual therapy, education, 12-step meetings and family support.
Patients reside in apartments in a private, upscale gated community located in North Miami Beach, FL. Amenities include deluxe, furnished
apartments, pool, Jacuzzi, tennis courts, and a new high-end gym with a fitness trainer dedicated to police oficers.
Transitions has successfully treated almost 400 NJSPBA members and their families during the past 7 years.
Contact person in New Jersey: Jerry Hartman,
a member of the PBA Peer Assistance Response Team.
Cell: 610-914-1585
(800) 626-1980
1928 NE 154th Street
North Miami Beach, FL 33162
Transitions Has Earned
the Joint Commission’s
Gold Seal of Approval
Licensed by the State of Florida
24-Hour HELP LINE: 800-626-1980
JULY 2015