In her own words
Assemblywoman Annette Quijano has been a prime sponsor
on many bills that affect law enforcement. Here’s what she has
to say about a few of them:
(A213/S1593) Establishes “Police Officer, Firefighter, Public
School Teacher, Corrections Officer, and Sanitation Worker
Home-buyer Assistance Act.”; appropriates $5 million.
From left, NJ State PBA Executive Vice-President Marc Kovar, Representative Annette Quijano, President Pat Colligan and Local 600 member Tom Seabasty. retired State Delegate for Woodbridge Local 38.
President Pat Colligan’s promise to meet with every legislator in the
state, that intersection might as well have been called Productivity
Street and Friendship Boulevard.
“I was very impressed with both (Colligan and Executive VicePresident) Marc (Kovar),” Quijano emphasized. “This new
leadership hit the ground running and is very good about talking
about the concerns of their officers. With them you really believe
that their door is always open, and it has been. I’ve called about certain legislation and they’ve answered. And as new as they were, you
would still see them all the time in the halls of the State House, and
people know who they are because they have met with and spoken
with the Assembly. Other union presidents you only communicate
with by phone. But if you’re not at the table, you’re not going to get
work done. People have to know who you are.”
Be assured, NJ State PBA that Assemblywoman Quijano knows
who you are.d
There was a bill that requires a five-year residency of all new
police officers and firefighters in their municipalities. I believe
you incentivize public workers to live in the community that
they work, but I don’t believe you force them.
(A410) Establishes DOT roadside memorial program for fallen police officers, sheriff's officers, EMS workers, and firefighters; designated as “Patrolman Joseph Wargo’s Law.”
I think it’s important that we acknowledge the work that
police officers do, and if by misfortune they die in the line of
duty, it’s important that we as a community honor them.
(A1340) Requires removal of equipment and markings on
certain used emergency vehicles; requires that Attorney
General issue guidelines or directives.
Although this did not get through this session, it passed 78-0
in the assembly in May 2014. But this is a security issue so I’m
going to make it a priority.
JULY 2015