NJ Cops | Page 47

Heroes 4 Heroes Union County Corrections Local 199 members transform into superheroes for the 33rd Annual Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics New Jersey Union County Corrections Local 199 member Peter Femia (center) lights the torch at the 2016 Special Olympics New Jersey Summer Games Opening Ceremony on June 10. n BY JENNIFER TRATTLER Talk about a Justice League. Union County Corrections Local 199 members dressed as Batman, Superman, multiple Wonder Women and other caped crusaders zipped, flashed, smashed and all but flew down streets from Elizabeth to Rahway Park on June 10 to make the 33rd Annual Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics New Jersey something of legend. “Cars pull over and people start chanting for their favorite superhero like ‘Hey, Captain America!’” described Local 199 member Peter Femia who organized the superhero-themed leg of the annual statewide event. “Kids come out of their houses and start waving. It encourages you to keep going. I’m really glad it’s taken off the way it has so we can earn more money for Special Olympics.” Through Local 199’s efforts, more than 150 people donated $9,000 for the cause that ensures every athlete can compete in the Summer Games without personal cost. “We’re all so supportive of it and happy to do whatever we can to help the children,” acknowledged Local 199 State Delegate Joe Kretch. “I’m very proud that (the members) have taken the initiative to support such a good cause and give back to the community.” Local 199 has participated in the Torch Run for a decade, but five years ago members decided to up the ante, and “Heroes 4 Heroes” was born. The origin story goes something like this: “We were kicking around ideas to bring more attention to the Torch Run, so I said, ‘what about dressing up as superheroes?’” explained Femia. “At first everyone gave me a crazy look, but now we have about 20 members who dress in costume.” Local 199 kicks off its leg of the Torch Run at the Union County Jail in Elizabeth, where members pose for pictures with community members before running five miles to Rahway Park. Encouragement is needed when members are running in the blistering heat in costumes that are meant for the cool Halloween weather. “These costumes aren’t made for physical activity,” acknowl- Local 199 members don their other hero uniforms to participate in this year’s event. A Special Olympian leads Union County Corrections Local 199 member-superheroes as they run leagues for the 33rd Annual Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics New Jersey. edged Femia, who dressed up as Batman. “I tell everyone if the run we do is five miles you have to train for seven or eight miles because the costumes take a lot out of you.” To Femia, however, the extra pain is worth it. “The real heroes are the athletes participating in the Special Olympics,” he indicated. “If we can dress up as heroes to honor them, it’s worth anything we have to go through.” The Dark Knighted leader had the honor of carrying the torch at the Special Olympics Opening Ceremony to help light the Flame of Hope to signal the start of the Summer Games. “It was very humbling,” emoted Femia, who left his cape and cowl in the Batcave (aka, his home) for the ceremony. “To see all of the athletes on the field who go above and beyond and everyone in the bleachers cheering and clapping was really cool.” The ability to fundraise and get out in the streets for a cause so meaningful is especially important to Local 199 corrections officers. “We don’t have that much time to interact with the public and get to know them,” recognized Femia. “This is something where we get out from behind the walls, interact and do something positive. The more we do the more motivated everyone is.” d www.njcopsmagazine.com ■ JULY 2016 47