NJ Cops | Page 39

PBA Convention in Arizona promises full itinerary to educate Locals and members September 13-20 NJ State PBA 2016 Annual Convention Arizona Grand Resort 8000 Arizona Grand Parkway, Phoenix Info: Convention Coordinator Debbie Perestuk 732-636-8860 ■ BY JOSHUA SIGMUND What happened in Vegas certainly didn’t stay there. It was at the 2015 NJ State PBA Main Convention that news of the new PBA trailer that debuted in June broke; it was there that members revved up for the monumental second PBA Day in Trenton; and it was there that such special guest speakers as the retired NYPD Detective and One Tough Cop author Bo Dietl, the injured and inspiring Portland officer Paul Meyer spoke and the Las Vegas Police Protective Association general counsel duo engaged and enlightened NJ State PBA members, expanding New Jersey law enforcement officers’ view of the greater Thin Blue Line. This year, ahead of the fast-approaching 2016 Main Convention taking place at the Arizona Grand Resort in Phoenix Sept. 13-20, NJ State PBA President Pat Colligan offered a few more reasons to get excited. “We have Sheriff Joe Arpaio from Maricopa County, Arizona, scheduled to speak. Google him,” Colligan encouraged. Well, as a teaser, the “toughest sheriff in America” is known for making his inmates wear pink underwear and replying to a court order that mandates him to allow them to watch TV by giving them the thrilling C-SPAN to enjoy. Portland, Oregon officer Paul Meyer highlighted the 2015 NJ State PBA Convention with his story that truly inspired members. Colligan even reached out to Saturday Night Live’s Bobby Moynihan to come to Phoenix and do his Chris Christie impression to lighten up the agenda and make it even more memorable. This exemplifies the effort the PBA has become noted for during the past two years in planning conventions that provide scintillating and action-packed agendas for the week. “We put a lot of work into these conventions. They have been full of information and full of utility you can take back to help run your Local,” Colligan attested. “One of the things I tout is that you have the opportunity to sit and talk to other Locals about how they do fundraising or see how they handle grievances or see how they develop relationships with the city council.” Convention 2016 will provide an opportunity to discuss stretching your Local’s budget during the seventh-inning stretch of the Arizona Diamondbacks-L.A. Dodgers game on Sept. 16, which is one of the events planned. That will be part of an unprecedented weekend that also includes a trip to the Arizona Cardinals-Tampa Bay Buccaneers game on Sept. 18, complete with tailgate party. “We got lucky with both major league teams being out there, so you have the chance to be on a bus with people or tailgate with people you wouldn’t normally hang around with,” Colligan added. “Some of the best friends I have made in this business I made sitting around a breakfast table at a convention.” And if you’re a part of the new wave of State Delegates, grab some bacon and eggs and make some new friends while picking up some tips to bring back to your Local. “The turnover of State Delegates has been massive,” Colligan noted. “I hate to say ‘elder statesmen,’ but we need to pass that information on. So the convention can kind of be like that family reunion where you get a chance to talk to the grandparents.” The convention, as always, serves as an environment to learn and review what has been going on in the state and what the State PBA has been focusing on the past several months. “Issues like pension battles to COLA to information regarding the potential for PFRS to be run by the public safety unions and not the state, as well as our legislative strategy,” lists Convention Committee Chair Peter Andreyev. “Our priorities are for our members’ benefits; to have our members taken care of.” Registration has been extended beyond the July 8 deadline, so it’s not too late to call the State PBA office for more information and to book your trip. All convention attendees should book through the NJ