NJ Cops | Page 27

e t s a s s - r - ter like Hurricane Sandy or law enforcement funerals – though hopefully as few of those as possible – and be flabbergasted by the crowd it attracts and the boost of energy it radiates. Buoyed by the Ford F250 Crew Cab XLT Truck that tows it and wrapped in colors and icons that Captain America would be proud to wear, the trailer is a rolling, ascending personification of a superhero. “It’s big, it’s bright, it’s bold and it’s open,” highlights PBA Special Projects Coordinator John Hulse, who not only birthed the trailer but has been nursing it along through its wrapping and equipping of all the amenities that can be conceived. Hulse and NJ State PBA President Pat Colligan spent nearly a year procuring and designing both the trailer and the truck to not only provide the greatest comforts to members who will work it at the events, but to make a big, bright, bold statement. “I think it appropriately represents the presence our organization has as the largest, most important law enforcement organization in New Jersey,” Hulse continues. “It’s what you think an organization as influential as the PBA would pull up with.” Appropriately, the trailer’s features create a huge wow factor, or at least that was the common reaction from those who saw it when it debuted at the Police Security Expo at the Atlantic City Convention Center on June 28-29, according to PBA First Vice-President Pete Andreyev who chaperoned the trailer on the expo floor. It is the fourth in the line of PBA trailers since the first one was deployed 20 years ago, and, yes, it was not cheap. “I was nervous about spending that amount of money and coming up with a glorified landscaping trailer,” President Colligan shares. “We could have gone cheap and had to replace it in 10 years, or we could have something that we will use for the next 20 or 30 years. It’s a service we provide that people depend on so we went all-out for them.” Trailer splash The PBA trailer has forged a history as illustrious as its latest incarnation. The inaugural version premiered in 1997 in honor of a little girl from Belleville, the hometown of then-PBA Executive Vice-President Tony Wieners. Megan Jaret had been the www.njcopsmagazine.com ■ JULY 2016 27