NJ Cops | Page 20

The student becomes the teacher

Longport Local 363 State Delegate Chris Ricciotti brings lessons learned to the NJ State PBA Executive Board

Sitting in a ballroom at Trump Plaza , in between sessions of a State Delegate ’ s Conference some years back , then-Longport Local 363 President Chris Ricciotti had a problem .
“ I had an issue where manpower was at an all-time low ; morale was at an all-time low ,” he recalled .
Ricciotti had never
NEW EXECUTIVE BOARD MEMBER CHRIS RICCIOTTI LONGPORT LOCAL 363 personally met then- State PBA President Mike Madonna or then- Vice-President Tony Wieners , but that didn ’ t stop the leaders from taking time to impart their wisdom on his small organization that day in Atlantic City .
“ Here I was , president of a 13-member Local , and they took time out of their day to tell me how to handle my situation ,” Ricciotti related . “ We sat there for three hours . I was impressed .”
That was merely one example of the master classes on union management Ricciotti received from many esteemed and tenured PBA leaders , including Frank Calabrese , Dominic Cappella , John Campbell , Keith Bennett and notably his then-Local 363 State Delegate , the late Tommy Adams . He is excited to bring that knowledge and impart it to others as the newest member of the NJ State PBA Executive Board having been sworn in at the June state meeting .
“ I had the honor and pleasure of learning the ropes under ( them ),” attested Ricciotti .“ Those guys showed me how to keep the brotherhood of a union together in its best times and at its worst times . They presented the reality that you ’ re never going to make everybody happy but they were able over the years to show me how to deal with a troubled member . They showed me how to take that guy and how to groom him into a member in good standing . They showed me how to be able to talk to any member and get the union ’ s point across . And they showed me a wealth of knowledge about how unions are run and how members should act not only behind the scenes , but also in the public eye .”
Ricciotti ’ s 16-year law enforcement career spawned from his job as a Longport 9-1-1 dispatcher . He graduated the Academy in 2000 , became the Local 363 President in 2006 and moved up to State Delegate in 2010 when Adams was promoted to sergeant .
“ It was overwhelming at first ,” Ricciotti admitted . “ Here I am taking over at the state level for a guy that had been doing it for 16 years . He was on the State Executive Board and well known throughout every Local in the state .”
But through his position on the Cape-Atlantic County Conference Executive Board , as well as being a regular at each year ’ s PBA Convention and Mini Convention , Ricciotti began to make a name for himself in his own right , and served as an example of how far being active in the PBA can take you .
“ I say to everyone , make sure you come to the meetings and go to the conventions every year ,” he recommended .“ They ’ re free , and the
NJ State PBA President Pat Colligan gives new Executive Board Member Chris Ricciotti the oath of office at the state meeting on June 28 in Atlantic City .
speakers are great . And it doesn ’ t matter what county you ’ re from ; if you close your eyes and listen to the issues other members have , they ’ re all the same .
Ricciotti ’ s ascension to the E-Board came practically in the blink of an eye . On a Friday afternoon – June 24 to be exact – Ricciotti picked up the phone to find Executive Vice-President Marc Kovar on the other end .
“ I need to ask you something ,” Kovar said . “ Are you ready to join the Executive Board ?”
Ricciotti replied simply , “ I said it would be an honor and a privilege to represent the 32,000 members of the State PBA .”
To that end , Ricciotti promises to be always accessible to his members .
“ I tell people if any issues come up , my phone is on 24 / 7 , and if you have a question or problem , call me ,” he pledged . “ I ’ ll get you the answer or find someone who can get it .” d