NJ Cops | Page 18

Think before you vote On June 9, the New Jersey Supreme Court ruled to uphold the 2011 law suspending COLA for retirees. First, let me say that if anyone believes this was a ruling based on legal argument and JIM rule of law, he or she has not TOMA been living in the same state as the rest of us. All legal decisions are affected by politics, and when the judiciary in the state is beholden to politicians for its appointments and continued employment, then it would be naive to believe it does not take into consideration the wants and needs of those politicians. So without blaming one particular party (though five of the seven justices were appointed by Republican governors, including four by Governor Christie), I think you could have predicted what the odds were that any decision was going to be handed down in favor of public servants. It’s not that I blame them; it’s the system that’s corrupt, not the individuals. So that brings us to what do we do about it? Because personally, I refuse to give up or talk about it without continuing on the mission to not forget these guys in need – the thousands of our older members who retired making $20,000 per year with no or reduced social security benefits and who are living in poverty. (For anyone who doesn’t understand that or believe it please call, email or come and talk to me and I will give you examples, as many are too proud to ask for help.) As I mentioned, everything in New Jersey is politically influenced, so remember who it One more thing… Just a reminder for all retired members applying for renewals of their RPO carry permits: As stated in the NJ State Statute, you must be “domiciled” in this state to be issued a New Jersey RPO permit. 18 N NEW JERSEY COPS ■ JULY 2016 is who hurt us; follow the line of appointments and make the politicians and their political party pay for their hatred and vindictiveness against public servants. You may have to vote against your long-held beliefs or cross over party affiliations. But if you’re not willing to make hard choices and assure the politicians that there are consequences for their votes and influenced appointments, then we deserve all that has been thrown at us. Politicians are in the game to be reelected. Our hope for the future is to change the faces in the legislature to ones that respect and appreciate us, and ones who care about the less fortunate members in our ranks. The State PBA leadership is working on several options for future assistance to our most vulnerable members as a starting point, but needs assistance from legislators who believe in compassion. So before you say, “Well I always voted for this political party,” look, listen and learn who is on your side. Look deeper than rhetoric and slogans. If your local state legislator seems like a good guy and talks a good game but has voted with Christie every time to hurt you and refused to vote to override a veto even once, then how do you pull the lever for him/her? I know many have said, “Well it’s over; the court has spoken.” But that’s not the final word as we have the power to change hearts and minds in the future. And if not hearts and minds, then change the people. Stay connected – I will keep you updated and advised on the support we need to be heard. d SAVE THE DATE August 9 Come to the next Local 600 meeting Lacey Elks 900 Beach Blvd., Forked River For info, call 732-636-0299 or visit njspba600.org