NJ Cops Sept18 | Page 69

East Brunswick Local 145 congratulates newly hired and promoted members Members of East Brunswick Local 145 gathered at the East Bruns- wick Municipal Building on Sept. 4 for the promotion of two out- standing officers and a new hire. Family members joined Thomas Kienle as he was promoted to lieutenant. Jason Rios also was promoted to sergeant, with his wife and children holding the Bible throughout the ceremony. Local 145 then welcomed its newest member, Gabriel Gausachs, who joins the East Brunswick Police Department after working at the Rutgers University Police Department. The swearing-in ceremony was led by Mayor Brad Cohen. d East Brunswick Local 145 members, from left, Kevin Zebro, Christopher Soke, Jason Rios, Chief James Conroy, Thomas Kienle, Gabriel Gausachs, Jo- seph Alves and Daniel Melnick Mayor Brad Cohen swearing in Lieutenant Thomas Kienle Mayor Brad Cohen swearing in Sergeant Jason Rios www.njcopsmagazine.com ■ SEPTEMBER 2018 69