NJ Cops Sept18 | Page 59

Belleville Local 28 honors fallen brother

On the day that Belleville Local 28 members returned from the Police Unity Tour , where they once again rode in honor of their fallen brother Kenneth Santucci , Gil Cruz was called into the boss ’ office for a meeting . Following roll call , Cruz approached the captain ’ s office , not sure what to expect and wondering what he could have done wrong .
During the meeting , Cruz was given the assignment of planning a memorial service for his best friend and partner , who was killed in the line of duty . Sept . 6 would mark 10 years since Santucci was struck in his patrol car by a vehicle that had run a stop sign . The date was approaching quickly , and Belleville Police Chief Mark Minichini knew that there was no Local 28 member more fit for the job of organizing a tribute for the hero he knew so well .
“ It became more than a priority ,” notes Cruz , who still finds it hard to believe that 10 years have passed since he rushed to the hospital to be with his partner following the accident . “ Ten years only comes around once .”
Cruz immediately went to work on the assignment that became a passion project and a labor of love for Santucci , as well as the wife and three kids he left behind . At first , he was unsure who would help provide the resources necessary for this meaningful cause , but local businesses in the community all wanted to help out and insisted on contributing funds or any services they could provide for the event .
“ I asked once , and that ’ s all it took ,” Cruz shares . “ The response was awesome . I spoke to five businesses and they all said , ‘ Whatever you need , take it .’”
The support that Cruz was given while planning the event reminded him how much Santucci meant to the community and gave him comfort that nobody had forgotten his sacrifice .
On Sept . 6 , the crowd of 150 officers , family members and friends who gathered at Holy Family Church in Nutley for the memorial Mass made it even more evident — Santucci ’ s close family and friends were not the only ones who remembered .
Officers from Newark Police Department attended in Class A uniforms to honor their fallen brother , who served with them for two
Belleville Local 28 members Ed Zimmerman and Gil Cruz stand at the location where Kenneth Santucci made the ultimate sacrifice 10 years ago .
Belleville Local 28 members filled the church for their fallen brother ’ s memorial Mass .
Kenneth Santucci ’ s wife Tricia and children Anthony and Sadie stand together through an emotional memorial Mass .
Tricia Santucci hugged son Kenneth Jr . after he shared a speech remembering his father . years before becoming a Local 28 member . Newark has supported the fallen officer ’ s family by sending birthday and holiday presents every year to his children , Kenny Jr ., Anthony and Sadie . The intent is to ensure that the kids know they have a family in law enforcement who is thinking about them .
“ It ’ s all about seeing the kids smile ,” Cruz says . “ It was really comforting to see everyone show up .”
Santucci ’ s oldest son , Kenny Jr ., made a speech at the memorial service that recognized the support his family receives from their blue family and what it means to know that his father is remembered by so many . Following the memorial Mass , Local 28 led a wreath-laying ceremony at the site of Santucci ’ s accident on Union Avenue . Santucci ’ s wife , kids and Local 28 members gathered as a family to remember a friend , father and hero who will never be forgotten . d
www . njcopsmagazine . com ■ SEPTEMBER 2018 59