NJ Cops Sept18 | Page 54

Education for all More classes available for NJSPBA members n BY AMBER RAMUNDO No grades or assessments are given in seminars offered by the NJ State Education Committee, but Committee Chairman Joe Dudley is convinced that PBA members are stronger just by tak- ing the initiative to show up and ask questions. “This is your career. This is your livelihood,” Dudley says. “All of this is open to you.” Ever since the Education Committee released its first schedule of free classes available to members in May, members have had the opportunity to gain valuable information on focused topics from bookkeeping and health benefits to engaging with local leg- islators. On Sept. 5, the committee gathered for an essential meeting to assess the strengths of existing classes and schedule a new educational agenda for the fall. While booking what the Educa- tion Committee likes to call its “second semester,” the commit- tee continues to focus on providing classes that will benefit any and every PBA member. They stress that while some courses are exclusive to Local presidents and State Delegates, many of the courses should be attended by the common membership. “I don’t care if you’ve got six months on the job or if you’re six months away from retirement,” stresses Dudley. “I want to make it very clear to the membership that there are many courses that are meant for all active members.” Starting this fall, classes focused on health benefits, officers’ rights and fundraising will provide a wealth of knowledge that 54 NEW JERSEY COPS ■ SEPTEMBER 2018 will help all PBA members gain a healthier understanding of in- formation that is vital to their health, career and future, no matter how long they’ve been on the job or what rank they hold. “There are seminars coming up that are absolutely meant for the general membership,” Dudley says. “These are for anyone who is a dues-paying, working PBA member in the state of New Jersey.” On Nov. 2, the Education Committee will be offering its first Below 100 Training, led by a former Philadelphia state trooper who has become an official advocate for the program. The sem- inar will offer attendees presentations, real-life storytelling and lifesaving safety tips as part of its mission to help bring the num- ber of line-of-duty deaths in the nation below 100. Members who participate will be able to lead the Below 100 program within their own Locals to help officers avoid complacency on the job and stay alive. This training is open and encouraged for all mem- bers. Other classes exploring officers’ rights and the fundamentals of successful Local fundraising will be held in breakout rooms following State Delegate meetings at the 2019 Mini Convention held in March. Members are now able to easily sign up and find out details for any of these free classes on the NJ State PBA website. Simply visit www.njspba.com and click on “education” under the “members” tab and take the first step to becoming a stronger, smarter PBA member. d