Marc Kovar
Executive Vice-President
Elections have consequences
It’s our job to make sure NJSPBA endorsements matter
Election Day is Nov. 7. I realize that I have been hitting everyone
over the head with the importance of these upcoming elections,
but our campaign efforts and endorsements are vital.
This November election for governor offers two options. The
race is between Kim Guadagno and Phil Murphy. We have been re-
peatedly disrespected for nearly eight years by Chris Christie and
his Lieutenant Governor, Kim Guadagno. Law enforcement has
been subjected to repeated assaults, including reducing funding to
our pension and health care, as well as repeated efforts to demon-
ize law enforcement.
The reality is that we have seen what happens to our members
under a Christie-Guadagno administration. A vote for Kim Gua-
dagno is a vote for the 2-percent arbitration cap and further con-
solidation and dismantling of police departments, like what oc-
curred in Camden.
The NJ State PBA was the first group to endorse Phil Murphy,
well in advance of the primary election in June. We continue to
have productive and positive conversations with Phil Murphy on
issues that are important to all of us, including reform of Civil Ser-
vice, PERC and Chapter 78.
This is why the PBA endorsed Phil Murphy for governor.
Now, we need to encourage our fellow members, colleagues,
friends and family to show up at the polls on Nov. 7 and cast
votes for Phil Murphy and other NJSPBA-endorsed legislative
Volunteer: we need your help
We have worked hard during the past few election cycles to show
that PBA endorsements matter. But we can’t rest after publicizing
our endorsements.
I want to be as direct as possible. This is not my PBA, and it is not
State President Pat Colligan’s. This is collectively our PBA, and Pat
and I can’t do this alone. We all need to get active in NJSPBA elec-
tion activities. There should be no member who can’t volunteer a
few hours during the next few weeks and on Election Day to help
with phone banks or walking programs to support our NJSPBA-en-
dorsed candidates.
We need your help. The PBA must continuously show that our
endorsements mean something more than the paper they are writ-
ten on. I expect as many of us as possible to help us on targeted
campaigns. We need to show strength by helping elected officials
and candidates that support law enforcement and our families.
Please reach out to your Local State Delegate, or to me personally,
to volunteer to help in the upcoming elections.
Our NJSPBA endorsements are valuable when all of us follow
through by voting for our endorsed candidates. We are simply
stronger together, and our votes are more valuable when they are
cast for NJSPBA candidates.
Vote by mail, if necessary
If you, or your family members, cannot make it to the polls on
Election Day, then please apply to vote by mail. We included a
“Vote by Mail” application in the September issue of NJ Cops Mag-
azine. You can also download a “Vote by Mail” application at www.
Then follow these simple steps:
1. Fill out and sign your vote-by-mail application.
2. Mail your application to your county clerk. You can find
your county clerk’s address at:
voting-information-local-officials.html. Your county clerk
must receive your application by Oct. 31, so make sure to
mail your application as soon as possible.
3. You should receive your ballot shortly. Make your voting de-
cisions from NJSPBA’s list of endorsed candidates.
4. Mail back your completed and signed ballot. Your ballot
must be received by your county Board of Elections by 8
p.m. on Nov. 7.
Elections have consequences
The saying goes, “elections have consequences,” and we need to
ensure that together we make every effort to elect representatives
who know and care about issues that matter to law enforcement.
It is a privilege representing my PBA brothers and sister. Pat and
I have been upfront about our priorities. We will continue to fight
for each and every one of you each and every day. We will always
put aside whatever personal, political or ideological opinions to
best represent law enforcement, specifically NJSPBA members.
But, we need your help to ensure that we all have a voice in the
political process that plays such a significant role in our lives.
I can’t stress enough how much the endorsements matter and
what we have put into supporting NJSPBA-endorsed candidates.
Please remember to vote. Please remember to support NJSPBA-
endorsed candidates.
In closing, I want to send my thoughts and prayers to all the vic-
tims and first responders impacted by the mass-shooting tragedy
in Las Vegas. d
Welcome new State Delegates
The following new State Delegates were sworn in at the
NJ State PBA Convention at the Atlantis Resort in Paradise
Island, Bahamas on Sept. 16:
• Michael Auble, Atlantic City Local 24
• Blaise O’Donnell, Gloucester City Local 40
• Brian Trotman, Springfield Local 76
• Dennis Conway, Bergen County Prosecutor’s Office Local 221
• Jesse Novalis, East Hanover Local 227
• Christopher Shick, Berkeley Township Local 237
• Adam O’Connor, Beachwood Local 253
• Gregory Albert, Rockaway Township Local 287
• Alexander Lovas, Camden County Corrections Local 351
• Jason A. Hildebrant, Long Beach Township Local 373
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