22nd Annual Special Olympics
Plane Pull
Families pulling together for a good cause
The family unity of Essex County
Sheriff’s Officers Local 183 was in full
strength when 22 members and their
children went nose-to-nose with a Unit-
ed Airlines plane.
The Plane Pull has become an annual
favorite and when it comes to precious
days off, Local 183 members never hes-
itate to spend them in support of the
Special Olympics with their families on
and off the job.
“We are a family outside of work,
too,” stressed Jayson Rodriguez who, af-
ter 10 years on the job, took on the role
of Plane Pull team captain. “It’s about
coming out here together and showing
The power of family was especial-
ly evident to Local 183 Vice President
Paola Pose, who pulled the plane along-
side her blue brothers and sisters as well
as her 5-year-old daughter, Gabriella.
“It feels like a blessing to see so many
■ OCTOBER 2018
of us come together, even outside of the
job,” Pose stressed. “It’s for a good cause
and there’s no better way to teach our
kids to give back.”
Local 183 invited participating mem-
bers to bring their children along for the
pull. Rodriguez and his teammates dis-
cussed strategy to get the plane moving
but once the time came, nothing mat-
tered other than working together for
the cause.
“That thing is heavy,” Rodriguez at-
tested. “Strategy kind of goes out the
window; it just comes down to getting it
The Local 183 family force did get the
wheels moving, and the team proudly
donated more than $1,400 to Special
Olympics New Jersey.