22nd Annual Special Olympics
Plane Pull
Monroe Township goes for gold
During their many years of participa-
tion, the members of Monroe Township
Local 255 have won multiple team titles in
the Special Olympics New Jersey (SONJ)
Plane Pull. But no matter the number of
wins, no trophy could compare to the
pride many Local 255 members felt this
time around. That’s because this year, the
team was led by Rhea Alathur, a USA Spe-
cial Olympics gold medalist.
Rhea’s dedication as a Special Olympics
gymnast brought her all the way to Seat-
tle to represent New Jersey in the Special
Olympics USA Games in July. Local 255
knew that having the 15-year-old gym-
nastics champion from Monroe Township
on its team could only make it stronger,
so the night before the competition, Local
255 member Wes Panckeri gave the Ala-
thur family a call to ask if Rhea would join
them for the pull.
“We’ve been doing this for Special
Olympics and a lot of other different
events,” Panckeri explained. “But to have
an athlete out here with us really makes it
a lot more motivating.”
Rhea had never competed in the plane
pull before, but when it was Monroe’s turn
on the tarmac, she fearlessly took a posi-
tion at the front of the line.
“It’s an amazing feeling,” stressed Sri
Alathur, after watching his daughter mark
another monumental accomplishment
for the Special Olympics. “It just shows
how much the Monroe Township PBA is
involved with the community and with
the Special Olympics.”
Engaging in SONJ events has afford-
ed Local 255 members many rewarding
experiences, but pulling the plane with
Rhea was an unforgettable feat that re-
minded them of the purpose behind such
an important cause.
“These events really boost that
self-confidence and self-esteem,” Sri
said, explaining what the Special Olym-
pics events have done for his daughter.
“When you invite them and make them
part of your daily community life, work,
play, sports…it allows the whole team to
succeed. That’s what these children need.
The PBA is doing a fantastic job about it.”
East Brunswick, South River
and Spotswood Locals pull together
The team name “BMH & Blue” prompt-
ed one of the most intriguing and unex-
pected efforts in the 2018 Special Olym-
pics Plane Pull.
“Blue” certainly indicated law enforce-
ment officers, and the team included
members of East Brunswick Local 145,
South River Local 62 and Spotswood Lo-
cal 225. But the catalyst bringing together
this group offered support from a busi-
ness law enforcement doesn’t usually see.
“All the credit to Brunswick Memorial
Home in East Brunswick,” declared Local
62 member Wesley Sanches.
“BMH” is Brunswick Memorial Home,
a funeral home that has backed the blue
for years.
“They are a great pillar in our commu-
nity,” added East Brunswick Chief James
Conroy, who said he was proud to be the
“old guy” at the front of the Blue line.
BMH & Blue came up just short of being
the top team on this day. The Blue time of
7.06 in the fastest pull was one-tenth of a
second behind the best time. And in the
lightest combined weight phase, BMH &
Blue was just 101 pounds heavier than the
winning team.
In its first year of participating, the
team brought some local high school
students to form a cheering section. That
inspired “the eye of the tiger,” Sanches
shared, which served to compel the team
to pull so vehemently.
“I’ll tell you what, you get started and
you feel it in the legs. My calf muscles
were hurting because you’re leaning back
and then you pull,” explained Local 225
member Ed Schapley. “It does take a lot
out of you. You’re breathing heavy and
stuff after seven seconds, but it’s all for a
good cause.”
The Plane Pull also provided a cause for
members from three neighboring depart-
ments who only see each other out on the
road to form a new “Blue” line.
“We never work together, but we
worked together well today,” comment-
ed Mike Plaskon from East Brunswick.
“We’re doing it for the right cause – for
the Special Olympians that just have so
much at stake. We try to do what we can
for them.”
■ OCTOBER 2018 63