NJ Cops Oct18 | Page 37

2018 NJ State PBA Main Convention Amoroso leading victims to safety on 9/11. The convention’s first presentation came from Don Tratola, state chair of the NJ Employer of the Guard and Reserve, who recognized the many PBA members who wear both law en- forcement and military uniforms. Tratola noted that 51 percent of those fighting the global war on terrorism are members of the Guard and Reserve, and he presented the PBA with his organization’s prestigious Seven Seals award “for meritorious leadership and initiative in support of the men and women who serve America in the Guard and Reserve.” Philadelphia Police Officer Jesse Hartnett got members’ hearts racing with his first-ever public presentation about the January 2016 night when he was am- bushed by a man with a gun. The shooter declared that his act was in allegiance to ISIS, and Hartnett explained how he survived the 11-bullet barrage. Buffie McFadyen of Corrections USA led a breakout session to inspire corrections officers to combat their greatest challenges by working legislative channels. And the pièce de résistance came from Las Vegas Metro Police Department Captain Yasenia Yatomi and Officer Annette Mullin, who presented a behind-the-scenes, law-enforcement-only look at the Route 91 Harvest Festival mass shooting at the Mandalay Bay in October 2017. Even some of the standard convention reports featured notes of PBA prowess and power. Director of Government Affairs Rob Nixon, for example, offered a bit of a motivational speech for members to get to the polls in the November election by re- minding them, “The PBA has become a political powerhouse not because of a big PAC fund, but because we get bodies out in the street, we get out the vote and we follow the PBA en- dorsements.” Attorneys Bob Fagella and Paul Kleinbaum praised the work of the State PBA and all Locals in analysis of what has occurred in the wake of the U.S. Supreme Court ruling on the Janus case in June. “It’s a fabulous commentary on your organization that you have no bleeding of membership,” Kleinbaum commented. He also noted that the ruling does not require officers in any department to resubmit autho- rization of membership, and if Locals experience any de- partment requesting such action, they should contact their attorneys immediately. Friends in labor, FMBA President Ed Donnelly and NJ State Troopers NCO Association President Pete Stilia- nessis, stopped by the convention to compliment the PBA on its part in getting the bill passed to achieve inde- pendence of PFRS. And Freeman came back to the po- dium for his first-ever report as the PBA’s new Labor Re- lations Coordinator and gave members another reason to rejoice by announcing upgrades planned for the 2019 ire…Persevere presents unforgettable hting the good fi ght ugel and Amber Ramundo Ed Carattini Jr. Col- lec- t i v e Bargain- ing Seminar. By the time Par- ma captivated the audi- ence with accounts of his deployments and how to live better in the wake of 25-plus years of service, convention attendees were rife Don Tratola, State Chair of the NJ Employer Support of the Guard with new hashtags. For more about how to live a bracelet kind of and Reserve, presents his organization’s Seven Seals award to President Pat Colligan and the NJ State PBA. life, turn the page.  www.njcopsmagazine.com ■ OCTOBER 2018 37